Criminal Defense Lawyer In Gainesville, FL
The meteoric rise of the internet and continuous advancement of computer technology has forced law enforcement and the justice system to develop laws against crimes in the digital realm. Among the wide variety of cyber crimes prosecuted in the United States, few have received as much attention as the offense of gaining unauthorized access to a computer system — otherwise known as "hacking."
The criminal offense of hacking is strictly prohibited in Florida and can be charged under state and federal law. Individuals convicted of hacking charges face severe legal penalties, including hefty fines and/or imprisonment.
If you or a loved one have been charged with the criminal offense of computer hacking, seek legal representation from an experienced defense lawyer as soon as possible. Contact Stout Defense, P.A., today to request a free consultation with our Gainesville defense lawyer, Adam Stout.

Florida Laws On Hacking
Chapter 815 of the Florida Statutes prohibits individuals from willfully, knowingly, and without authorization, accessing, disrupting, destroying, denying the use of, or introducing a virus on a computer, computer system/network, or electronic devices. Per this definition, hacking can include:
- Gaining unauthorized entry to a business database
- Sending emails with viruses/malware
- Accessing systems to steal credit card numbers/bank information
- Accessing systems to commit identity theft
- Accessing video surveillance systems
Penalties For Hacking
In the state of Florida, a conviction of computer hacking, and many other cyber crimes, are prosecuted as third-degree felonies, which are punishable by up to five years in prison and/or a fine of $5,000. However, defendants may have their charge upgraded to a second-degree felony if the hacking results in an excess amount of $5,000 in damages, was committed for defrauding or obtaining property, or impairing governmental operation, transportation, water, or any other public services. Second-degree felonies are punishable by up to fifteen years in prison and/or a fine of up to $10,000. Finally, in cases where a defendant's hacking is proved to have endangered human life, a charge may be upgraded to a first-degree felony, punishable by up to thirty years in prison and/or a fine of up to $10,000.
How Our Criminal Defense Attorney Can Help
As outlined above, there are severe penalties for the criminal offense of hacking. Being convicted of any crime, particularly a felony offense, can have long-lasting consequences affecting a person for years to come. If you are facing computer hacking charges, it is crucial that you reach out to an experienced hacking attorney. Our skilled cyber crime lawyer, Adam Stout, has the necessary legal experience to mount a vigorous defense of any criminal case. As a former prosecutor with broad legal knowledge, Adam can help you contest your criminal charges. Don't wait — contact Stout Defense, P.A. today to schedule a free, confidential consultation!